Several years ago, from a secret Imperial training base codenamed Tarkin's Fang, near the Treskov system in the Deep Core, there emerged...
A child. A human male, to be precise, at eight standard years of age. He was completely unremarkable except for slightly oversized front teeth, and his status as a highly trained, ace starfighter pilot. Also, during this training, there was a technical cock-up which affected the simulator's inertial compensators, giving him a concussion and a permanent condition in which he became hyperobsessive about starfighters, Star Wars [Author's Note: how you can get Star Wars in the Star Wars universe I don't know] and Harry Potter.
He finished his training at the Imperial Academy and was instantly transferred to the 181st Imperial Fighter Group, where his identity and true age were known only by his wingmate and commanding officers, Major Turr Phennir and General Baron Soontir Fel.
His wingmate, IN-181-23, Jin Zatkur, nicknamed him the Gopher of Doom, due to his, shall we say, highly visible teeth, and absolute ferocity in combat. It was rumoured that even Baron Fel, the best starfighter pilot in the Empire after Darth Vader, was hard-pressed to best this prodigy.
Since he had been transferred to the Unknown Regions for service under Grand Admiral Thrawn, when Thrawn, and later Ysanne Isard, fell from power, this formidable pilot lent his skills to the TIE Fighter Alliance and was quickly posted to their best squad, Phoenix.

I was that child. I am that pilot. I have loyally served the Empire for five years. Wedge Antilles wasn't yet flying freighters at this age - Luke Skywalker hadn't even left the atmosphere.
Try me, if you will.

-- Pilot GopherOfDoom
-- Flight 1 - Phoenix Squadron - Wing IV - TFA
-- ICQ#168725787